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Lakeside Simmental Stud is the new Stud on the block in the Simmental World but although being only established in January of 2015 its short history is built on a wealth of Breeding.

Lily and Dong a Chinese couple that have in 2014 purchased a property in Robe in the South East of S.A have now ventured into breeding Simmental Cattle in Australia. After 10 years of Breeding Simmentals in Inner Mongolia, China and with a herd of 500 Registered Females their passion to own a herd of Australian Simmental Cattle is achieved.


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The couple's interest in the Australian Cattle industry was fueled through visiting Australia in 2009 as representatives of the Commissioner of China Animal Agriculture Association and then representing the Chinese Simmental Breeders Association at the World Simmental Congress in 2010.
After numerous visits to Australia and an ever growing desire to farm Cattle in Australia a dream became a reality. With the purchase of their Robe property an introduction was made by Laryn Gogel of Southern Australian Livestock to the Hodge and Parker Families of "Waterfront" Stud and Dean Baker of "Callendale" Stud.

An interesting and successful journey began with the purchase of the complete Mature Breeding Female Herd with Calves at Side of the Waterfront Stud and Principle Female Breeding Group of the Calendale Stud. A wealth of Genetics has been brought together to create a 250 Female Nucleus Breeding Herd which now forms the Lakeside Stud.


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With a tremendous group of correct, soft, moderate to large frame, maternal females in the Lakeside paddocks Lily and Dong have embarked on a large scale A.I program for the 2015 joining. The challenge of selecting a Sire battery to enhance these Females into the future has been based around maintaining the characteristics that Lily and Dong have recognized as being typical to the Australian Cattle they had inspected. While remaining true to type and keeping a strong selection criteria for Red Meat, Structure and Easy Doing Ability a selected group of A.I Sires from Canada and New Zealand have been used.

Both Lily and Dong are very proud to be associated with the Australia Simmental Breed and are great advocates of the Beef industry. They have a strong belief in what the Simmental Breed can offer to the Australian Cattle Industry as well as what impact the Australian Simmental can have in the home country China. Therefore they are very excited about the strength of the relationships they can create with their Australian customers into the future.